Can your employer force you to go back to the office?
What are your rights if your boss asks you to come back to work? Here is some guidance to help you understand your rights about returning to work after a period of working from home.
What are your rights if your boss asks you to come back to work?
Here is some guidance to help you understand your rights about returning to work after a period of working from home. However, please do note that this advice does not constitute legal advice, which you should always seek from an HR executive or legal professional.
What is the latest advice from the Government?
In the UK, the Government’s working from home guidance ended when many other COVID-19 restrictions did on 19th July 2021. This means that workers are no longer advised to work from home, so it’s likely that employers will start plan for members of staff to start returning to work.
However, many companies are keen to keep a “hybrid working” or “flexible working” structure in place since lockdown, with employees working partly at home and partly in the office, including big businesses like Google, Uber and Microsoft. Some businesses have even locked up their office doors and have moved to a complete remote working structure.
So, what if your boss has asked you to come back to the office, either permanently or on a part-time basis. Do you have to?
Depending on the terms of your contract, the likelihood is that you should return to work if your manager asks you to do, as a “reasonable management request”. Many contracts will stipulate that your work is to be carried out in your office.
You can, however, legally request “flexible working” if you have worked for the same employer for at least 26 weeks. Your employer will have to deal with your request in a “reasonable manner”, whether that’s assessing the pros and cons of your requests and having a meeting with you to talk about your requirements. They should also let you appeal their decision if you don’t agree.
If you already have a flexible working agreement in place, then your employer can’t change this without your consent first.
More information on requesting flexible working is available here.
What if you don’t feel safe working in an office?
Your employer should be doing all they can to keep your office a safe place to work. This includes:
Completing a health and safety risk assessment, considering adjustments needed for all staff
Making sure there’s plenty of fresh air in indoor spaces by providing adequate ventilation (a CO2 monitor can help)
Having the office cleaned more frequently
Providing hand sanitisers
Ensuring those who have any COVID-19 symptoms do not come to work and instead self-isolate
Encouraging the continued use of face coverings, particularly in crowded indoor spaces.
Read more about this here.
Speak to your employer or HR executive if you’re not happy with the safety precautions that are (or indeed aren’t) in place, or you can contact Citizens Advice or Health and Safety Executive.
More advice can be found at:
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Best tips for working from home
Whether you’re a seasoned remote worker or just getting used to working from home, productivity and efficiency can be tough to manage - as can your wellbeing. Here’s our advice on making working from home work for you.
How to survive and thrive working remotely
Whether you’re a seasoned remote worker or just getting used to working from home, productivity and efficiency can be tough to manage - as can your wellbeing.
So, from our own experience working from home, and from our research seeking advice from remote workers just like you, we’re sharing our best advice, our secrets, and tried-and-tested tips and tricks to make working from home work for you.
You might even enjoy working from home more than you thought you could!
Create a morning routine
Start your work from home day in the right mindset with a morning routine. Instead of getting out of bed and scrambling to your work desk 5 minutes before you logon for the day, establishing a routine will help you wake up and get in the zone.
What could your morning routine look like?
Many WFHers love nothing better than starting with a workout or yoga session - as exercise is a great way to boost your endorphins - or you could have a selfcare moment by brewing your favourite coffee and journaling. Whatever you choose, make it a habit that you’ll be happy to do every day - no matter what the weather and how busy your work schedule looks.
Have a designated workspace
…but feel free to move around too. Just as you would at work, it’s essential that you have a dedicated place for working at home, especially if you’re likely to be remote working for a long time.
Take this from me: your bed might be super comfy for an afternoon, but your posture won’t thank you if you treat your bed as your desk! Even if your work desk doubles up as the dining table or your makeup desk, allowing yourself unrestricted access to that space during your day will help improve your productivity massively. And if you do start to feel unmotivated in that location, consider moving around during the day for different tasks, or try moving your desk into another room for a period of time.
From personal experience, I moved my desk from my lounge to my bedroom and instantly felt much more productive by doing so. When I feel my energy dwindling, I might move to my dining table for a couple of hours, before returning to my base. It works for me!
Get rid of distractions
We hear you - it’s so easy to be distracted at home. Whether it’s the TV, pets, family members or a combination of all 3, working from home can be a challenge.
What can you do to stay focused on your work? A good place to start if you’re able to is to leave your phone in another room. Or you can try using your phone to help you stay on task, as there are a range of apps available for this very thing! The Forest App does this well.
For more tips, take a look at our pick of the best productivity books - they each have tons of tips like these!
Don't wear pyjamas
You know that old saying: “Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.” Does that still count if you work from home? If you want to boost your productivity, then yes it should!
There’s definitely no judgement here if you do want to work in your favourite PJs, but wearing a clean, fresh and presentable outfit can work wonders for your motivation, even if you’re not planning on being on camera that day.
Related: for extra professional points, invest in a ring light so you shine on your next client call!
Eat away from your desk
I stand by this statement, whether you’re working in an office or at home. A study by Bupa revealed that over a quarter (28%) of workers never take a breather of any kind during their working day, so are likely to eat at their desk. Not only does this reduce productivity, but it could also lead to mental wellbeing and physical health issues.
So, no matter where you’re working - and how much work you have on - make it your priority to carve out a proper daily lunch break away from your desk. Give yourself a chance to refresh and relax during your day.
Keep in touch with colleagues
If you’re not a freelancer, then chances are days (or even weeks!) could go by without speaking to a colleague. While one of the perks of the home office life is the time to get on with your work without interruptions from fellow workers, all too often it can get a little too quiet.
Keeping up regular communication with your colleagues will stave off feelings of loneliness and could even help boost your creativity, especially if you’re struggling with a task you might have.
If you don’t currently do so, book a time into your teams’ calendars each week where you get a chance to talk - and make it clear that it doesn’t need to be work related chat! Not only will this benefit you, but this could prove to be a real life line for a colleague that you might not know is struggling too.
Have an end of day routine
This tip isn’t one to underestimate! Having that distinct moment when you finish working every day is difficult when you work from home. It’s all too easy just to keep on working, and before you know it, it’s 9pm and you haven’t given yourself a chance to switch off! But, by creating an end of day routine, you can make sure you help your mind rest and recharge for tomorrow.
Easy wins: close your laptop lid or turn off your monitor and don’t touch it again until you start work. Create a to-do list for the next day at the end of the day, so you don’t spend the evening worrying about your schedule. Go outside! In addition to these, this expert dentist in Avon Lake OH also recommends getting regular health checkups. Visit a physician at least once a year and twice a year for a dentist.
Want more work from home tips?
What are the best productivity books?
Here’s our pick of the best productivity books available to buy on Amazon right now. Oh, and if you find you struggle to make time to read a book, don’t worry, most of these can be enjoyed in just a few sittings!
Feeling a slump in productivity working from home every day? You’re not alone.
When you’re at home every day, especially if you’re on your own, it’s almost impossible to keep your productivity levels high. Although you might not have the same distractions around you if you were working in an office environment, I’m sure you’ll agree there’s still plenty fighting for your attention at home. Your dog, your neighbour’s dog, that washing up piling up in the sink, your bed…
Enter 2021’s answer to the self-help book: the productivity manual.
Follow the examples of leaders in their fields and learn a tip or two from the productivity experts. This list of books will help you manage your time more effectively, organise your tasks in a way that suits your lifestyle and could even help change your mindset when it comes to working - from home or at the office.
Here’s our pick of the best productivity books available to buy on Amazon right now. Oh, and if you find you struggle to make time to read a book, don’t worry, most of these can be enjoyed in just a few sittings!
5 of the best productivity books
Disclaimer: Product links on our website are referral links. If you use one of these and buy something, we make a little bit of money. Learn more here.
Think working on a beach, think Tim Ferriss. The 4-Hour Workweek has practically developed a cult-like status since its launch in 2011. If you dream of working the freelance life somewhere sunny, then Ferriss’s book will be the inspiration you need to get planning, as he is the true proponent of the laptop lifestyle. This book features his advice and stories from his own experience, with some great insights in effective time management.
Amazon rating: 4.4/5
Ever wondered what could actually be causing your productivity slump? Brian Tracy explores root causes in Eat That Frog! But if that wasn’t enough, he then shares his tips on managing your work time effectively. This is a great pick-me-up for those new to time management techniques.
Amazon rating: 4.5/5
What’s the one thing you want most? Gary Keller’s mission in The One Thing is to help you achieve it, whether that’s working fewer hours, get more energy, increase your focus
Multitaskers and entrepreneurs will love the affirmations that Keller shares, and many readers find themselves coming back to this book when they need to reignite that focus on goal setting and business planning.
Amazon rating: 4.6/5
Over 30 million copies of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People have been sold since its first publication more than 30 years ago, and is loved by CEOs and world renowned entrepreneurs alike. This Guided Journal version is inspired by its predecessor, and includes a selection of worksheets, journal prompts and exercises for those who enjoy an interactive, modern approach to the principles outlined in the original. Both books provide anecdotes, examples and tips that’ll will help you assess your own values, beliefs and behaviours, backed by the concept that your personal life influencers your professional life - and vice versa.
Amazon rating: 4.6/5
Buy it here
Or take a look at the original 7 Habits here.
OK, so perhaps Why We Sleep isn’t an overt productivity book, but I bet that one of the causes for your productivity slump is a lack of energy. Matthew Walker’s book explores just how detrimental poor sleep can be to our wellbeing, mentally and physically, and provides tips on how to improve not just how long you sleep - but the quality of it too. It’s backed with stories and tons of scientific research for a compelling read. After all, according to Walker, sleep offers a three-fold boost in creativity and problem solving.
Amazon rating: 4.6/5
More productivity hacks:
If books weren’t enough for you, check out these posts:
And if you’re really stuck, try making a great cup of coffee at home!
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18 top free printables to help you organise and decorate
There are tons of useful free printables to be found, for yourself, your children or even your home office. I have scoured the internet to find my favourite 18 printables that you can use for FREE.
Reducing desk clutter is proven to help you work and startup companies are finding innovative solutions to help solve the issue. But, it’s also amazing what works of art, calendars and other goodies are available online, especially when all you need to do to claim it is press ‘Print’! There are tons of useful free printables to be found, for yourself, your children or even your home office. I have scoured the internet to find my favourite 18 printables that you can use for FREE, from cool retro posters to stylish calendars. Just click on the ones you want and print!
Free Printable Calendars
Office/basic calendar: Calendarpedia have a range of basic calendars in a range of formats and templates.
Minimalistic 2021 monthly calendar: Great for at a glance, these month to a page calendar sheets make a stylish addition to any desk.
Minimalistic weekly planner: This cute and colourful weekly planner has lots of room for each day, plus a checklist for goals and to-do’s at the bottom. Print one for each week or print one and laminate to reuse with dry erase markers.
2021 at a glance calendar: No room for writing but handy for seeing the year on one page.
Multicoloured perpetual calendar: A 2 month per page decorated calendar with 1 line per day. No year so can use to plan ahead. Great for using as a birthday calendar.
Free Printable Invitations
Pretty green wedding invitations: Featuring an elegant green design, you can download the invite, then use an image editing app or handwrite to add those all important details on top.
Unisex baby shower invitations: Whether you know your baby’s gender or want to keep it a surprise, this selection of invites have something for everyone. Either use photo editing software to type onto these or print and handwrite the details.
Princess Party Invitations: A very popular birthday theme, these free invites are pretty and pink. Just print and handwrite the details.
Pirate Party Invitations: Another popular party theme, there are pirate invitations for both boys and girls, as well as free bunting and banner printables!
Don’t forget to check out Canva for free invitation templates too - there are thousands of designs for all occasions, including weddings, baby showers, Christenings, birthday parties, and much more.
Free Printable Posters & Wall Art
Space Tourism Posters: NASA have created these fantastic posters based on the possibility of space travel in the future! These would look fab framed in children’s bedrooms or to decorate your lounge.
Retro Pixar Posters: Pixar created 8 free posters for the release of their movie Up, but their retro theme makes them look pretty quirky and great for decorating a room.
Vintage Travel Posters: If you only look at one free poster resource, make it this one. They have a whole host of popular vintage travel posters, with locations within the UK and beyond, so you’re sure to find your favourite hotspot!
Botanical Wall Art: Not 1, but 12 different botanical prints to decorate your room. These would look amazing printed and displayed altogether just as they would with the odd 1 or 2 prints.
Free Printable Colouring Pages & More
Free Workout Cards: Darebee have created tons of brilliant workout cards, all featuring instructions and diagrams to perform each routine, with workouts to suit all levels. Simply print, cut to size and take anywhere you fancy getting fit!
Free Origami: There are over 50 free origami activities here with detailed instructions. Keep your children entertained for free through the traditional Japanese art of folding paper into decorative shapes.
Free Colouring Pages: Crayola have hundreds of pages for your children to colour in here in countless designs. All you’ve got to do is choose the designs you want to colour in and print.
Free Mandalas: Join in the mindfulness trend of colouring in, and de-stress by colouring in these beautiful mandala designs for free.
Free Kids And Adults Colouring Pages: The Natural History Museum have a cool collection of colouring pages on their website, perfect for kids and adults alike! Featuring prehistoric reptiles, dinosaurs, mini beasts and more.
Love free stuff? Then don’t miss our guide to finding free coffee in the UK - great for when you’re taking a well-earned break from working at home! ☕️
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What’s the best way of making coffee at home?
What's the best way of making coffee at home? There are many methods to making your favourite drinks. Find out how here.
Are you ready to learn how to make the best coffee at home?
There are so many advantages to working from home, but one thing can be a huge miss to coffee lovers - a decent barista-style brew. That’s why this guide is here to prove that you can make a delicious cup of coffee at home. In fact, there are many methods to making coffee at home, depending on the time you have available (I see you there sneaking away from your desk…), the type of coffee you like and the budget you have available for tools and accessories.
One thing’s for sure: no instant coffee is allowed here. Sorry not sorry.
But you can make a great cup of coffee for an affordable price.
If there’s one thing I can write about all day long, it’s coffee. Since starting my work from home routine in March 2020, I was determined to find a way to make my favourite beverage without leaving the house. For health and safety reasons, and the fact that all my favourite coffeehouses closed. And mostly because there are two flights of stairs to leave my flat.
I have tried many methods to crafting my much-needed morning cup of Joe at home, and will share what works for me - and what you’ll need to make your own espressos, Americanos and lattes. These guides feature coffee machine reviews, comparison guides on coffee makers and beans, and if you simply must get out of the house, a few ways to get a cup of coffee for free!
If you’re one of the 30.2% of respondents who felt their productivity has decreased since working from home, perhaps it’s time to invest in a coffee maker to help boost your energy levels during your working day!
Disclaimer: Product links on our website are referral links. If you use one of these and buy something, we make a little bit of money. Learn more here.
What types of coffee maker can you buy?
The easiest way to approach coffee making is to decide whether you want to buy a coffee machine like a Nespresso or Dolce Gusto, or use a manual coffeemaker like an Aeropress, cafetière or Hario V60.
You’ve probably already seen that there’s a huge choice of coffee makers that you can buy, so what’s the main differences?
Automatic coffee machines
Nespresso machine
The Nespresso is an iconic capsule-based coffee machine.
An electric coffee machine tends to do it all for you, whether you’re using pods or capsules of coffee designed for that machine, grinding beans to use, or using a bean-to-cup machine. Depending on the complexity of the machine, there’ll be settings you can customise, but it’s much easier to get a great cup of coffee. Some even have built in milk frothers to recreate your favourite cappuccinos or lattes.
Popular at home coffee machines include:
Nescafe Dolce Gusto
De’Longhi Dedica
Read more about the best at home electric coffee machines.
Manual coffeemakers
French press
Nothing’s easier than boiling the kettle then using a French press for a caffeine hit.
A manual coffeemaker is great for a quick drink, and work really well for black coffees like espressos and Americanos (coffees without milk or dairy-free alternatives). You can also control the results much better with a manual coffeemaker, especially when it comes to pour over methods like a V60 or Chemex.
Popular at home manual coffeemakers include:
Hario V60
French press/cafetière
Read more about the best at home manual coffeemakers.
What is the best coffee to buy?
Whichever method you of coffee making you decide to try, you need the right coffee beans for the job. There are some brilliant specialist websites for buying ground coffee or coffee beans, and luckily, there are also some brilliant buys available to pick up in your next supermarket sweep or Amazon shop.
Top 5 coffee beans, ground coffee and pods to buy for use at home:
Taylors Hot Lava Java. Not for the faint-hearted, these beloved coffee beans from Taylors of Harrogate are strong and smoky. Buy it here.
Whittard Santos & Java. Available as ready-to-go ground coffee, Whittards of Chelsea’s popular Santos and Java blend is a sweet option with notes of burnt caramel, great as a black coffee. Buy it here.
Grind Coffee. Available in a range of options, including ground, beans and compostible Nespresso capsules, look no further than Grind for a smooth cuppa (and an Instagrammable pink tin too). Buy it here.
Starbucks Blonde Espresso. A mild and affordable option - light-bodied and mellow, available in most supermarkets. Buy it here.
Dolce Gusto Plant-Based Flat White Pods. If you’ve got a Nescafe Dolce Gusto and after a dairy-free latte, you’ll be happy to know they’ve launched a new range of latte pods, available in almond, coconut, and oat varieties. Buy it here.
Quick coffee making hacks you’ll love
Not only does a French press provide a robust way of making your hot morning brew, it’s also great at making cold brew and milk. Read our 3 easy French press hacks to try today to learn more.
Did you say free coffee?
If you are out and about on a well-deserved work from home break, here’s where you can find free coffee in the UK. Drink responsibly!
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The best coffee machines to buy
There are so many automatic coffee machines to choose from, depending on how you like your coffee, your budget, your lifestyle and your kitchen.
How to choose the right automatic coffee machine for your home
As we discussed, there are so many automatic coffee machines to choose from - all with their own pros, cons, and price ranges! Luckily, the result of them is largely the same: a delicious cup of coffee within 5 minutes without leaving the house.
This post won’t get too much into the science of making coffee - but it’s definitely worth researching (take a look at award-winning barista James Hoffmann’s YouTube channel for that!) Instead, this post is here to guide you through the different types of machines available, so you know what suits your budget and your taste.
Imagine having one of these espresso machines at home! 😍
Manual vs. automatic: what’s best?
First of all, why choose a coffee machine over a manual coffeemaker (like an Aeropress or V60)? For those who don’t have the time (or the expertise), then an automatic machine does the hard work of pulling a good espresso for you. If you choose to use a machine that requires coffee beans or ground coffee, you might still need to grind and tamp your coffee first, but once that’s done, the machine will pull the espresso for you. Use a machine that takes capsules and pods and it’s even easier - fill with water and click your chosen pod into place!
Which types of automatic coffee machine are available?
If you decide to choose a machine rather than a manual method of making coffee, you’ll broadly have 3 options to choose from:
A capsule/pod coffee machine
Filter coffee machine
Espresso machine (including bean to cup)
The list is probably a simplified version of what’s available right now, but it’s a helpful start if you’re completely new to coffee making at home.
Let’s take a look at each of these in more detail, along with a few recommendations for each category.
Disclaimer: Product links on our website are referral links. If you use one of these and buy something, we make a little bit of money. Learn more here.
Best capsule coffee machines
Undoubtedly, the easiest way of making delicious coffee at home is by using a pod or capsule-based coffee machine.
Instead of using coffee beans, or ground coffee, you buy a pre-loaded coffee pod, then slot into the machine. The only other steps you’ll need to take is to fill the chamber with water and click the button to get started.
Nespresso vs Dolce Gusto
Machines like the Nespresso are primarily designed for espresso making, using one small capsule per coffee. Then there are machines like the Dolce Gusto, which take one or more pods (although not at the same time!) to create a whole range of coffees, from Americanos to lattes, cappuccinos and mochas. You can even buy pods to create hot chocolates and teas, if you have any family or friends who hate coffee 😱.
Huge range of flavours to try
Easy to pick up pods online shopping or supermarket
No mess - throw away the pod after use
No worrying about tamping, grinding or water temperature
Pods can work out more expensive than buying bags of coffee
Throwing away pods is a bit wasteful (although there is a great increase in compostable/biodegradable pods - look out for them)
Our pick of the Nespressos
Nespresso machines can get costly. But this compact version by Magimix is a great starter option. The Nespresso 11365 Essenza Mini Coffee Machine, Pure White Finish by Magimix is currently available at Amazon for £89.99 and has a 4.8* rating, with previous purchasers loving it for its compact size and ability to make great tasting espresso and lungo drinks quickly.
From Nespresso:
The Magimix Nespresso Essenza Coffee Machine with updated retro design offers style and performance at the touch of a button. The quick 25 second heat up time and automatic restart, means this smart machine is energy efficient and saves time. With compact design this machine fits in your kitchen. Programmable cup size and sliding cup support is ideal for small or large cups, mugs or latte glasses. This machine is set-up with a high pressure 19 bar pressure and thermo block heating system. With removable used capsule container for 5-6 capsules, a 0.6 L removable water tank, and automatic, programmable water quantity control, this machine couldn't be easier to use.
Our pick of the Dolce Gustos
It’s crazy to think you can get a coffee machine for under £40. This offering from De’Longhi, the DeLonghi Nescafé Dolce Gusto Piccolo XS Pod Capsule Coffee Machine, is currently available for just £34.99 on Amazon. The Piccolo models are smaller than other Dolce Gusto machines, but it’s still more than capable of creating a wide range of coffees, including lattes, cappuccinos, mochas and espressos.
From Dolce Gusto:
Hot and cold drink capability for hot and cold beverages prepared with one easy move of the machine’s manual lever
Easy to clean as all the coffee grinds stay in the pods there is no mess, no fuss
Eco mode: Automatic switch off after 1 minute, energy consumption rating A
Adjustable drip tray suitable for all cup sizes
All in all, the Piccolo is a neat entry-level automatic coffee machine.
Best filter coffee machines
A filter coffee machine, also known as a drip coffee machine, is a much simpler coffee machine by design for a fuss-free cup. You simply add your filter paper, then your ground coffee, and allow the machine to brew then water through the filter into a jug. The jug is usually on a hot plate to keep the resulting coffee nice and warm throughout the day.
Filter coffee machines all have their differences, but they essentially work in the same way.
How to use a filter coffee machine:
Add your paper filter to the filter basket.
Measure your ground coffee and add to the filter. 2 tablespoons of coffee for every 6 ounces of water is recommended.
Measure out your water using the markings on the machine and pour into the reservoir.
Turn the machine on or click the ‘go’ button to start brewing.
Wait until the coffee has finished brewing before you pour it.
Throw away the paper filter.
This Morphy Richards filter coffee machine is a great one to try out for less than £25 on Amazon.
Best espresso machines
These babies are the closest replicas to the classic barista espresso machines in your favourite coffeehouse. As with the other coffee making methods, there is a lot of variety with espresso machines too. You can choose a semi-automatic espresso machine (and a grinder), where you’ll tamp your ground coffee then let the machine pull your espresso, or choose a fully automatic machine that will take your coffee from bean to cup with little input required from you. Plus, the majority of espresso machines also come with an inbuilt milk frother/water spout so you can recreate your favourite latte art at home. (Not mastered this one yet.)
Our pick of espresso machines
De'Longhi Magnifica, Automatic Bean to Cup Coffee Machine, Espresso, Cappuccino, ESAM 4200.S, Silver
Sage SES875BKS The Barista Express Machine, 18/10 Steel, 1700 W, 6 liters, Black Sesame
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3 easy French press coffee hacks to try today
Did you know that a French press is great at making cold brew and milk? Here are 3 hacks to try in your kitchen today.
We all know that a French press makes great coffee at home, but did you know that it’s also great at making cold brew and milk? Here are 3 hacks to try in your kitchen today, if you’re short on milk, sans posh frother device, or fancy a cold version of your favourite drink.
Quick coffee making hacks you’ll love
No milk frother, no problem
Good news! You don’t need to go out an buy a milk frother to make lattes at home. If you have a French press, simply add warm milk (dairy-free alternatives like oat, almond and hazelnut will work here too!), pump up and down quickly for 10 seconds, then leave to rest.
Mess-free DIY oat milk
No milk to hand? No problem, if you’ve got some oats, a blender (a NutriBullet works great) and a French press. As shown by the Sustainable Collective here, all you need to do is:
Blend a handful of oats with water
Transfer to your French press
Use the plunging action to filter and separate the pulp from the liquid
Pour and enjoy
Easy French press cold brew
The beauty of cold brew is the smooth flavour, which is thanks to the fact the ground coffee has been steeped in water for at least 8 hours.
To replicate your favourite barista cold brew at home:
Add two tablespoons of your chosen ground coffee to your French press
Fill with water to just below the spout
Carefully place the plunger to just above the grounds - don’t press down yet!
Put your French press in the fridge for at least 8 hours. 24 hours is ideal
Take out of the fridge and gently press down on the plunger
Pour out your cold brew, adding cold water and ice to taste
Add milk if you’re using