Ensuring your home office is tidy: What you can do  

Keeping your office or workplace clean and tidy can be difficult, even though it’s the space where you need calm and organisation the most. It’s easy for your home life to creep into the work area but it's important to have firm boundaries in place to separate the two and limit the clutter that builds up.  

This not only makes it a more productive place to work, but a tidy environment has significant benefits for your mental health. Here is what you can do to keep a neat and organised home workspace:  

Organised filing systems

Whatever industry you’re working in, you need a good filing system to prevent things from building up and creating clutter. Developing an organised filing system gives every item a designated place and can save you time when working on a project.  

If you’re more garaged-based and work in the construction or automotive sector, you should think about investing in toolboxes to keep your equipment safe and secure.

Declutter regularly  

The busier you get, the more cluttered and less productive your working environment can become. You can nip this problem in the bud early on by only keeping what you need. You can work more effectively by getting rid of anything that you haven’t touched for months.  

Though an extreme method, a quick way to determine which items are impeding your productivity is by getting rid of everything and then adding things back in as and when you need them. This means valuable real estate is not taken up and it's easier to stay on top of any mess generated throughout the working day.  

Make use of storage  

Storage is your best friend when tidying your home office so don’t be afraid to fill your space up with expandable folders, file boxes, a desk with drawers, or a file cabinet. Different jobs will have different requirements but there are plenty of creative home office storage ideas that will keep your space organised to perfection.  

If you have the budget, you could double up with wall and base storage. The built-in look allows you to maximise every inch of space available. 

Try a cleaner  

For those who are short on time, hiring a cleaner can help you keep your workspace (and home!) clean and tidy. These professionals will ensure that your office is spick and span, giving you one less thing to worry about.  


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